Monday 12 May 2014

Guess Who's Back..

Evening folks, despite the jokey tone of the title (please resist the urge to start rapping) I have been severely neglecting my little blog, and I could ramble on for several paragraphs about my reasons why, including my extremely stressful exams and suspiciously busy social calendar, but instead I'm just going to explain my plans for how to move this forward. 

First of all, I've decided that whilst I am still an avid reader, I simply don't have the time to read enough to make enough adequate blogposts to ensure that this blog remains solely book-focussed. In light of this revelation 'Fully Booked Up' is now expanding to become not only a book blog, but a beauty and lifestyle blog, including the occasional DIY or recipe post. Essentially, I'm giving myself the artistic license to take this blog whichever way I choose, without feeling as though I'm selling you short on the book front. 

Additionally, I've been looking for a way to jumpstart the post-writing fever as I've been suffering a little of bit of writers blog, or lack of inspiration in the past few months, and have decided that something as simple as a 30 Day Blogging Challenge would at least help to get things moving. So, without further ado, I reveal the Challenge I will be starting today (12th May 2014)  

However, there will still be frequent posts going up throughout the week as usual. I'm going to stick to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday upload basis for now as I have a lot more time on my hands. 

Sorry again for the hideously long absence, but here's to the next 30 days and beyond! 

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